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Corewell Health is the new name for Beaumont.

The ultimate goal of our program is to equip graduating radiation oncologists with a comprehensive understanding of malignant diseases, enabling them to independently deliver the highest quality of radiation oncology care in both private practice and academic medicine. Residents are provided with a structured and progressive clinical and basic science experience. Through the guidance of the clinical staff, they receive individualized, supervised responsibility for patient care, fostering the development of personal competence in all commonly accepted procedures across all facets of radiation oncology.

The program places significant emphasis on consultations, including evaluating the adequacy of diagnostic workups and determining the most effective treatment approach—whether surgical, chemotherapeutic, radiation-based, or a combination of modalities. This robust training ensures that physicians develop expertise in all areas of radiation oncology, including but not limited to:

  • External beam treatments
  • Stereotactic radiosurgery (including gamma knife® radiosurgery and linac-based SRS with ExacTrac)
  • Stereotactic body radiation therapy
  • Proton therapy
  • High-dose rate brachytherapy
  • Radiopharmaceuticals
  • External and interstitial hyperthermia
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) linac treatments
  • Radiosensitizers
  • Altered dose fractionation schemes
  • Sealed radioisotopes
  • Image-guided radiation therapy (IGRT) and adaptive RT
  • Remote afterloaders
  • Radiation biology
  • Radiation physics
  • Dosimetry and treatment planning
    • Two-dimensional planning
    • Three-dimensional planning
    • Intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT)
    • Volumetric modulated radiation therapy (VMAT)
    • Proton planning
    • Online adaptive treatment planning

Radiation Oncology facilities and equipment

Our Radiation Oncology Department is among the finest in the world, and has the highest patient and treatment volumes in the State of Michigan, treating more than 3,500 patients per year after approximately 4,100 consults per year. The Elekta Synergy® linear accelerator with an on-board cone-beam CT scanner and kV imager for image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT) was invented, designed, and developed in our department. We also  installed and commissioned the first Elekta Axesse® linear accelerator in the world, currently in use in our department. This machine is specially designed for CT-based image-guided extracranial radiosurgery with a fully integrated 6D robotic couch. Volumetric image-guided radiotherapy is routinely used to treat patients in the clinic for multiple disease sites.

There are a total of four linear accelerators at the primary institution in Royal Oak. Royal Oak is also home to a full HDR brachytherapy suite, a Gamma Knife® Center, and the Beaumont Proton Center. Royal Oak has 9 clinical faculty members, some of which are full-time, some of which are part-time, and some who focus primarily on research in the lab. Our secondary site at Corewell Health Beaumont Troy Hospital is home to three linear accelerators as well as a full HDR brachytherapy suite with capabilities for both intracavitary and interstitial procedures. We have 5 full-time faculty members at our Troy location. 

Our third and newest site is in Dearborn, and is home to an additional three linear accelerators and a fully functional HDR brachytherapy suite with capabilities for both intracavitary and interstitial procedures. Corewell Health Dearborn Hospital (formerly Oakwood Hospital and Medical Center) has proudly served residents across southeastern Michigan since 1953. It became part of Beaumont Health in September of 2014. Corewell Health Dearborn Hospital is a major teaching and research hospital, and home to three medical residency programs in partnership with the Wayne State University School of Medicine. Corewell Health Dearborn Hospital has been recognized for clinical excellence and innovation in the fields of orthopedics, neuroscienes (Stroke Center of Excellence), women’s health, heart and vascular, and cancer care. The Radiation Oncology Department at Corewell Health Dearborn Hospital is staffed by Corewell Health Radiation Oncologists. We currently have 3 full-time Dearborn faculty and 3 part-time Dearborn faculty who are also faculty at our Royal Oak campus. Our residents now also have the opportunity to spend valuable time at our Dearborn location, participating in all aspects of Radiation Oncology care. 

The Gamma Knife® Center at Beaumont has been in operation since 2007. We perform approximately 300 Gamma Knife® intracranial radiosurgery procedures per year working in conjunction with neurosurgeons, otologists, and neuroradiologists. The Gamma Knife® treatment unit has been used to treat a variety of malignant and non-malignant conditions.  

Brachytherapy equipment at our institution includes one Nucletron low dose rate interstitial remote afterloader and three Nucletron high dose rate remote afterloaders. Sealed isotopic sources include iridium 192, iodine 125, and strontium 90. We treat approximately 200 patients per year with interstitial or intracavitary brachytherapy implants (approximately 1,000 procedures), which include breast, gynecological, prostate, coronary, and ocular treatments. 

Within our hyperthermia suite, external hyperthermia treatments are given using ultrasound and/or radio-frequency units. Interstitial hyperthermia is delivered via a radio-frequency generator and/or two microwave multichannel generators.

Proton Center

The Beaumont Proton Center was completed in June of 2017. The center is actively treating a variety of patient sites including: pediatrics, central nervous system, breast, sarcoma, thoracic, head & neck, and prostate. It is the first of its kind in the United States. It features a compact synchro-cyclotron design and is fitted with a 270 degree gantry. The center will soon be equipped with cone beam computed tomography capability. It will host a newly built Pediatric Oncology facility and has two full anesthesia bays in order to provide outstanding and coordinated care to pediatric populations in Michigan and the surrounding states of Indiana and Ohio. A dedicated group of physicians, physicists, therapists, and dosimetrists work together in a multi-disciplinary environment to provide safe and effective care.


Currently, our department has five active NIH or congressionally-directed medical research program grants. We have pioneered techniques such as high-dose-rate brachytherapy, adaptive RT, partial breast irradiation (via brachytherapy and 3D conformal external beam RT), integration of CT-PET imaging into the treatment planning process, 4D adaptive image-guided extracranial radiosurgery, and intensity-modulated RT for prostate, breast, lung, pancreatic, and other malignancies. We have an active Radiobiology Research Group with expertise in clinical, translational, and basic radiobiology research. Our radiobiology group is represented on the ASTRO Radiation and Cancer Biology Committee and provides expert teaching in radiobiology and a multitude of research opportunities for residents. 

Several of our faculty physicians are primary investigators for national Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) trials. Our department has been in the top 5 in the world in scientific presentations at ASTRO for at least ten consecutive years. For each of the last 5 years, the majority of our residents have presented research at the ASTRO national meeting as first author, as well as multiple other national conferences. Our residents have also participated in writing book chapters, writing clinical protocols, and have authored numerous manuscripts as both first-author and contributing authors. 

Residency Programs

Fellowship Programs

Fellowship Programs
(no ACGME Accreditation)

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