Foot & ankle teaching conference
- weekly activity; foot and ankle only
- held every Wednesday at 6:30 a.m. in the Suite 100 Conference Room
- faculty, fellow, orthopaedic residents, outside rotating residents, and medical students attend
- conference is led by faculty and organized by the fellow
- interesting and challenged foot and ankle cases are presented and discussed, including: preoperative evaluation, diagnostic workup,treatment options, surgical planning, intraoperative findings, review of current literature regarding presented case(s), and postoperative imaging studies
- fellow is required to present a lecture at least once quarterly
Foot & ankle journal club
- monthly activity; foot and ankle only
- held monthly (second Tuesday; September through June) at 6:30 p.m. at various locations
- faculty, fellow, all orthopaedic residents on service attend, and are expected to review the selected articles prior to the meeting
Foot & ankle research conference
- monthly activity; foot and ankle only
- held monthly (third Tuesday) at 6:15AM at various locations
- faculty, fellow as well as orthopaedic residents and medical students interested/participating in foot and ankle research attend
- conference is led by research staff, with discussion focusing on progress and timelines of current research studies as well as development of future studies
Orthopaedic surgery lecture series
- Weekly activity; all-department
- Series is part of the core
- curriculum of the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
- Held every Friday at 6:30 a.m. in the HNH Conference Room
- Attended by the entire department (staff, residents, fellows, researchers, etc.)
- Conference is led by department chair
- Cases selected by staff and orthopaedic residents
- Fellow is required to present a lecture at least once annually
Orthopaedic surgery morbidity and mortality conference
- monthly activity; all-department
- series is part of the core curriculum of the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
- held monthly (last Friday) at 6:30 a.m. in the HNH Conference Room
- attended by the entire department (staff, residents, fellows, researchers, etc.)
- conference is led by department chair; cases selected by chief resident
- fellow required to present cases in which he/she was involved; literature review required
Orthopaedic surgery grand rounds
- monthly activity; all-department
- series is part of the core curriculum of the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
- held monthly (first Friday) at 6:30 a.m. in the HNH Conference Room
- attended by the entire department (staff, residents, fellows, researchers, etc.)
- distinguished visiting orthopeadic surgeons are invited by the department; all subspecialties are covered throughout the academic year
- orthopaedic surgery interesting case conference incorporated; cases are presented to the visiting faculty by residents/fellows, which is followed by a lecture by the visiting faculty
Orthopaedic surgery gross anatomy cadaver dissection course
- weekly activity; all-department
- series is part of the core curriculum of the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
- held every Thursday at 7:00A a.m. in the Applebaum Simulation Learning Institute
- prosection is the responsibility of second-year orthopaedic residents
- fellow will attend and participate in the anatomy sessions that pertain to foot and ankle
Orthopaedic surgery bioskills laboratory
- monthly activity; all-department
- series is part of the core curriculum of the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
- held monthly (first Tuesday) at 4:00 p.m. in the Applebaum Simulation Learning Institute
- all orthopaedic residents and fellows attend
- conference is led by staff and corporate sponsors
- structured as sawbones- or cadaver-based workshops; allows residents and fellows to enhance surgical skills outside of the operating room
Note: Days and times are subject to change.